Sunday, December 8, 2013

Throw Back Selfies

Hello lovies! So I decided to post some of the selfies I've taken myself & edited them as well.
Just sharing the self-love hehe :0)

How I create my winged eyeliner

Hello lovies!

I have finally decided to start my first blog ever!!! W00T W00T?!?

Since the age of 17 I've always wanted to have one but never really went for it for no reason/s at all.

So, like some of you may say it's never too late. (Well, at least I hope)

A little introduction about me:

My name is Veronica. I am 24 years old & in my opinion the mid-20's has become some type of crisis. Anyways, I am a very friendly person; I love social media and now I want to share all my thoughts and random creations with all of you guys. (I really hope to meet friendly people via here)

Always feel free to ask anything and especially if you need any tips. You may be wondering what can this stranger help me with??? But here's a list of certain things I am skilled with:

  1. Graphic Designer
  2. Amateur Photographer
  3. Makeup/Fashion Lover
  4. Listener
I am firm believer that kindness never goes wasted, sharing is definitely caring, and positive minds will live a positive life.
